Publication ethics and malpractice statement


Educatia 21 Journal operates under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, this meaning that, as long as the journal is credited, an author or co-author, can promote their research and disseminate it in order ensure that your work is read worldwide and cited by other researchers. Likewise, they get exposure and can maximize the impact of their paper. To attain this, they can choose from various online services or their own blogs. Also, they are entitled to make copies of part of or the entire published article, because under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License they have the patrimonial rights to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, one example being internal distribution within the institution they are working for, for purposes like: classroom teaching, a presentation etc.


For authors: When you submit your paper to our journal you (if the case, all the other co- authors) agree not only the editing guidelines, but also the terms of license indicated by our journal. Authors should know that the copyright will be transferred to the journal if their papers is accepted for publication. We keep your rights as an author of the paper you have submitted. We will not make any substantial alterations to your paper without having first your consent.
For Readers: Educatia 21 Journal has an Open Access format. Our journal publishes only open access papers. Under the same Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, others can share the material without without modifying it or using in a comercial purpose, as long as they credit the authors for the original creation.

Similarity Check (Plagiarism)

Authors who send papers for publication, in the Educația 21 Journal issues, must be aware that the papers received for analysis will be checked with a dedicated anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin), and if elements of plagiarism are discovered there will be consequences, as follows: a) if the article has a percentage of similarities greater than 20%, it will be rejected from publication; b) if the article has a percentage of similarities between 10-20%, it will be returned to the author to review the similarities, and if even after the review the percentage of similarities is not reduced below 10%, the article will be rejected from publication; c) in case of plagiarism, the journal reserves the right to officially inform the authors and the main author's institution.
Checking procedure & data falsification

Publication Charges

The major objectives of the Educatia 21 Journal is to create and sustain a free open space for reflection and pedagogical research related to contemporary educational issues. This means that the journal does not charge any fees. There are no submission or article processing charges (APCs) and no other fees.

Policy statement on special issues

Educatia 21 Journal has an annual special issue, that includes proceedings of international conference “Education, Reflection, Development”. Special numbers are governed by the same rigors and are evaluated with the same measure as normal numbers. Editorial board handles the proceedings in collaboration with the organizing committee of the conference. The results of the peer-review process is returned to the conference committee, which in turn, after communicating with the participants, returns to the editorial board the articles in the form revised by the authors. After, at most, three stages of evaluation is communicated the final decision regarding every paper that was the subject of a published conference proceeding.

Patient Consent & Ethical Oversight

Our journal promotes ethical research. Therefore, every author (co-author) must indicate in the paper that the research involving human participants has been approved either by the local Ethics Committee or by participants themselves openly stating that they agree to take part in the research. The identity of all participants should remain undisclosed for confidentiality reasons. Research should be performed with regard to internationally accepted guidelines. If these requirements are not fulfilled then the submitted manuscript will be rejected.

Permissions & Policies on Autorship

Authors must make proof of permission from copyright holders when they include lengthy quotations, illustrations, pictures or tables etc. that do not belong to them and which have already been published somewhere else. Still, permission to quote is not necessary when brief extracts or short quotations are included in a paper with the aim to review or to provide criticism. In this case, the author has to accurately indicate the source.
In the case of material posted online, the author should request permission from the website personnel in order to make use of the data. If the copyright holder is unknown, you, as an author, are exposed to high risk if you choose to include that data in your paper.
As concerns informal conversations, these are not under any copyright laws. Still, formal interviews, where the conversation is recorded, might require a joint copyright agreement or, if the case, the interviewee is entitled to copyrights.

Data Fabrication

While undertaking a research study, every researcher gathers a collection of files that support the research: images, videos, audio, spreadsheets, documents etc. The content of these files should be accurate and relevant for the research. If the raw data is under suspicion of being fabricated then the Editorial Board members might request the author to make research data accessible. Further on, the submission of the paper might be rejected.

Conflict of Interest

Is the author responsability to declare any potential conflicts of interest regarding the submitted manuscript. Also, the editors will refrain from processing any manuscript if it has any conflict of interest and our reviewers are notified to inform the editors if there is any possible conflict of interest related to the assigned manuscript.
For authors: the percentage of self-citations must be as low as possible and below 10%.

Article Withdrawal

We constantly make efforts to make sure that all the stages in the submission of a research study are fulfilled in order to avoid any removal of papers.If the author(s) finds a problem with their study which is unpublished or is in the review process, they can send a request to the editor of the journal announcing the withdrawal request. The author(s) who wants to withdraw their manuscript can do this by sending a mail to the journal contacts. The editorial board will return to the author(s), evaluating the request for withdrawal. After the article is published, author(s) grant us the exclusive right for the research paper.

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