Issue, No. 27/2024

Issue, No. 27/2024 >> Read the whole journal
Rakefet Weidberg, Ciprian Ceobanu - Perceptions of Special Education Homeroom Teachers by Parents and Teachers in Israel
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Homeroom teachers in special education make outstanding efforts and are extremely devoted to their work. However, they must contend with frustrated parents who are disappointed with the inability of these teachers to meet their needs and expectations. Accordingly, it is of great interest to examine parents' perceptions of the role of the homeroom teacher in special education. The current study examines these perceptions regarding four dimensions of the homeroom teacher’s functioning versus the parents: Professionality, trustworthiness, availability, and empowerment. Parents' perceptions were examined in comparison with those of teachers at special education schools. The sample included 100 parents and 101 teachers in special education schools. The data were collected by a questionnaire constructed by the researchers in a previous study. The questionnaire includes four parts, examining the dimensions mentioned above. The teachers' questionnaire was identical, but they were instructed to refer to the relationship between the homeroom teacher and the parents. The findings show that the parents gave significantly lower evaluations than the teachers on all four dimensions: the homeroom teacher was perceived by the parents as less professional, less trustworthy, less available, and less empowering than evaluated by the teachers. The findings have practical implications for the training of special education teachers and for the professional development of teachers and also for coordinating expectations and defining boundaries that might help both homeroom teachers and parents form a constructive relationship. >> Read the article
Bekki Chaima, Bouchama-Sari Ahmed Fizya - Investigating Dissertation Supervisors’ Characteristics Valued by Supervisees and their Effect on the Supervision Process
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract The Supervision process requires both supervisors and supervisees to perceive supervisors’ qualities as a determining criterion in the selection of supervisors. In order to investigate supervisors’ characteristics valued by supervisees and their effect on the supervision process in the English department at the University of Tiaret, two questionnaires were handed to 40 Master 2 Didactic students and 10 teachers selected through purposive sampling The data generated were subject to quantitative and qualitative analysis. The findings revealed that supervisees appreciate supportive, flexible, responsive, available and knowledgeable supervisors. Results also suggested that directive, demanding, unresponsive and inaccessible supervisors are not appreciated. Further, it was found that lack of clear guidelines on how to choose a good supervisor, lack of awareness of the roles of supervisors and supervisees and obliviousness of supervisors’ contribution to supervisees’ overall development were the principal reasons causing challenges in finding a suitable supervisor. The findings also showed that supervisors’ selected characteristics enhance supervision by creating an inclusive and productive environment that reaches intended outcomes efficiently. Considering these results, the following pedagogical implications are offered. The study argues for organizing seminars to inform (future) supervisees of characteristics of good supervisors and how to choose a suitable one, cultivating a positive relationship between supervisors and supervisees by clarifying the roles of each, scheduling meetings between supervisors and supervisees to create a code of conduct for working together on long terms, regulating guidelines for supervisor selection and tailoring supervisory programs that prioritize the characteristics identified in this research. >> Read the article
Sabainah Oyebola Akinoso - Synchronous Virtual Learning in Ubiquitous Learning Paradigm and Effective Mathematics Teaching
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Learning generally has taken a new dimension in this present era. Virtual learning has become increasingly popular recently due to technological advancement. Learning has moved from didactic pedagogy characterized by a teacher-centered approach where knowledge is transmitted from the instructor to the learner to a virtual, mobile, blended/ hybrid, e-learning mode of instruction. Learning is now a form of a Transformative approach to teaching and learning that goes beyond acquiring knowledge and skills only to create profound changes in individuals' beliefs, attitudes, values, and behavior. To obtain the necessary skills required for learning, the learners should have access to learning, and learning should be flexible and occur anywhere anytime through virtual instruction. The study emphasizes the ubiquitous (u-learning) paradigm, synchronous virtual learning in particular, and teachers' role in mathematics teaching and learning. This research has contributed valuable insights into how synchronous virtual learning can improve mathematics teaching and learning, support diverse learners, and inform instructional practices in digital environments. The implication of using synchronous virtual learning is to promote active engagement, social interaction, and peer collaboration, enhancing student comprehension and problem-solving skills. Since learning cannot be limited to didactic instruction, virtual learning should be considered for effective mathematics learning. >> Read the article
Ion Albulescu, Adriana Denisa Manea, Cristian Stan - Learning in the Online Environment - Student Perceptions and Predictions
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract The solution provided by information and communication technology to the educational challenges that the education system has faced as a result of the pandemic situation due to the COVID-19 virus has been generally agreed upon and accepted on a planetary scale by the entire academic community. For an important period of time (approximately 1.5 years), the didactic activity took place mainly asynchronously. The implications of this fact on academic performances, the quality of the didactic act, and the well-being of students are addressed in many studies in order to find out answers considered as predictions of future instructive-educational actions. The present study is also included in the same dimension. The results recorded or highlighted the fact that learning in the online system presents both advantages (maximizing the use of time due to the elimination of losses due to travel, domestic comfort, and the exclusive decision to interact) and disadvantages (deficient feedback, investment of intellectual effort to obtain a positive relational agreement); motivation was slightly higher, assessment anxiety and learning efficiency were lower, while comfort and satisfaction with learning did not register significant changes. The preference that students emphasized for the way the didactic activity should be carried out aims at an alternation of synchronous and asynchronous activities in the mixed system, doubled by learning in the online system. >> Read the article
Roxana Maier - The Relationship Teachers have with Technology, Implications of the T.A.M. Model
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Mobile applications and the relationship with online platforms became more important for all of us with the pandemic. The way teachers managed to transition online during the pandemic led to the speed with which they could adapt to the new conditions of lockdown, and the teaching-learning processes. The relationship that teachers managed to develop with the use of technology resulted in its continued use (or not) in education after the pandemic, contributing to the narrowing (or, conversely, widening) of the disparities between digital natives - the students, and digital immigrants - their teachers. The study utilizes the TAM model to capture how teachers interacted with technology at different points in time (during the pandemic and two years after its start) and how they might continue or not to use it in the future. The obtained results emphasize which categories of teachers accepted more easily the modification of the teaching-learning process, thus ranking in the area of being an indicator of change in education. Compared to these first results, it is highlighted that age is an indicator in the acceptance of technology. The other results aim to identify the factors that could determine the change in attitude towards the use of devices. >> Read the article
Toderic Adriana - Meanings of School Success for the Teenager Students in Vocational Schools, Sports Profile
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Success represents a general human value attribute that acquires meanings and forms depending on the field of knowledge to which we refer. In formative-educational activities, it takes the form of school success. The complexity of this concept is widely described in specialized literature, but our current interests are centered on the segment of vocational schools, sports profile, following the period of adolescence. "What meanings does school success have for student-athletes, teenagers?", is the question by which we try to outline the nuances of school success, particularly for this category of students. We start from the premise that the level of students' commitment, and their involvement in school activities largely determines success. Based on this commitment, the targeted students, from the vocational schools with a sports profile, enroll on the path of achieving school success in terms of completing their high school studies, obtaining the final exam diploma, and passing the professional skills certification exam. >> Read the article
Andrea Barta, Tünde Póka, Borbála Tamás - Metacognitive Awareness and Group Membership as Predictors of Academic Performance
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Numerous studies highlighted the role of higher-order cognitive processes and metacognitive awareness in academic performance and later careers. Similarly, extracurricular activities, such as various group memberships, have a positive impact on university success, enhancing cognitive abilities alongside social and emotional factors. The aim of this research is not only to uncover simple linear relationships but to examine the impact of group membership, as an extracurricular activity, on the relationship between metacognitive awareness and academic performance. We surveyed students from the Babeș-Bolyai University Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, using the convenience sampling method and applying a correlational cross-sectional design. Positive, moderate-strength relationships were found between academic performance, metacognitive awareness, and group membership. According to the moderation model, group membership is not a significant moderator; however, based on the overall model, it can be concluded that group membership has a positive effect on academic performance. The study draws attention to the organization and support of extracurricular and co-curricular programs as activities that enhance metacognitive awareness and academic performance. >> Read the article
Carmen Maria Țîru - The Implications of Assessment Based on Contextual Learning on Students' Results
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Creating contexts in teaching, learning, and assessing the student involves a complex activity whose purpose is the student's progress. The connection between the three processes can be assured by choosing the best educational context for the university teacher. In the student-centered university educational process, having the students as partners in the teaching process and assessing them based on contextual learning is essential. This study analyses the influence of assessment based on contextual learning on students' learning results and used descriptive and comparative quantitative research with a non-experimental design to achieve this goal. The sample was 114 students from the Teacher Training Department, West University of Timisoara, Romania, second year of study, Level 1 of the Postgraduate Program, for the academic year 2021–2022 (20 males and 94 females). Using two formative context-based assessment tasks and one summative content-based assessment task, the study revealed that assessments based on practical contextual learning tasks positively impact students' results more than content-based assessments. Also, the contextual assessment task type influences students' results, with the practical context determining better results than a cognitive-theoretical context. The study's limitations suggested that many factors could be involved in studying the impact of different types of contextual assessment on students' results. Future experimental research could be done on considering experimentally confirmed variables and criteria for construing and choosing the appropriate type of task for formative and summative contextual assessment that confirms students' progress, including new technologies support in contextual assessment. >> Read the article
Violeta Lupu-Merca, Sebastian Vaida - Benefits of the Duchenne Smile and Positive Emotions. A Systematic Review
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract The Duchenne smile is the genuine smile characterized by the activation of the muscles around the eyes and mouth. It has been associated, in the specialized literature, with the experience of positive emotions. Through the present work, using a qualitative approach, we aimed to identify and systematize the studies carried out in the period 2010-2023 that investigated the relationship between the Duchenne smile and positive emotions. Following the application of specific keywords, 611 studies were identified, from which, after applying the inclusion-exclusion criteria, 8 studies were included in the review. A conclusion could not be drawn regarding the idea that the Duchenne smile is indisputably an indicator of positive emotions, but the data provide us with important information such as the following: the Duchenne smile is associated with experiencing positive emotions (happiness, joy, hope, contentment) and manifests itself in the context of affiliation and cooperation. It has an important role in triggering extended cognitive states (attentional ones) and can be performed voluntarily (in the presence/absence of a positive emotion), having the same health benefits as spontaneous smiling. In addition, the Duchenne smile increases the acceptance rate of feedback given by teachers in class. The relationship between the Duchenne smile and positive emotions is context dependent. >> Read the article
Barbara Shapir - Pre-service Teachers Reflections on Their Ability to Conduct Authentic Dialogue in Preschool after Training Program Participation
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Educators that undergo training in diverse pedagogical approaches enhance their instructional abilities, enabling them to form quality interactions with children and foster an overall positive classroom atmosphere. Training programs should carefully consider, acknowledge and respect teacher's prior beliefs regarding their role, while addressing any apprehensions they may have during their student teaching experience. Pre-service teachers are at a unique juncture in their professional development. Simultaneously, they are students with limited abilities but yet must meet high levels of performance as teachers. The authentic dialogue training program's main goal was to enable students to be autonomous thinkers and doers while engaging in open dialogues with preschoolers. Deci and Ryan state in 2002 that a learning environment that is autonomous and supportive rather than controlling, motivates teachers to integrate and implement new knowledge into their professional practices. The knowledge they required in the authentic dialogue training program was taught through practical interactive seminars, this boosted their sense of self-confidence and enhanced their ability to implement the techniques learned into their dialogues with preschoolers. The assumption was that this approach would empower the pre-service teachers to enable the child to lead the dialogue based on their personal interests. This may be achieved through active listening and shifting away from a teacher-led dialogue. >> Read the article
Alina-Georgeta Mag, Adina-Elena Glava, Letiția Muntean-Trif, Mihaela-Gabriela Neacșu - The Impact of an Induction Mentoring Programme for Novice Teachers. Reflections, Feedback, and Directions for Future Research
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract This paper examines the effects of an innovative induction programme that was provided to novice teachers during their first year of teaching. The opinions of the participants were gathered concerning the practicality and pertinence of the mentoring actions performed, the most significant outcomes of mentoring-style learning, and possible directions for the mentoring programme's continuing development. The participants explicitly mentioned the mentoring programme's formative value, placing particular emphasis on the importance of introspection and the establishment of communities for peer learning. The participants' feedback underscored the importance of maintaining an empirical approach to the matter of induction mentoring. Additionally, it emphasised the necessity of tailoring and individualising mentoring strategies to address the diverse requirements of the participants. >> Read the article
Diana-Crina Marin, Mușata-Dacia Bocoș - Investigating the Reading Preferences of Second-grade Pupils through Creation Lessons
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract It is unanimously accepted that reading activities have positive effects on children's development. Recent research has shown that pupils’ interest in reading activities could be enhanced by providing interesting and age-appropriate books. The purpose of the research is to determine whether it is beneficial to organize didactic activities in which pupils use their creativity to establish titles of attractive books for them. At the same time, we were interested in finding out whether pupils want to frequently participate in creative lessons based on story writing. All 54 second-grade pupils who have participated in our research mentioned that they enjoyed participating in the creation lessons, and would like to cooperate with other older peers in the process of writing the stories. The research revealed that could be beneficial to organize lessons based on stimulating students' creativity with the purpose of understanding the reading preferences of the primary school pupils. >> Read the article
Fetti (Mora) Domnița Florina, Ion Albulescu - Degree of Manifestation of Emotional Style Dimensions in Primary School Teachers
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Adopting an Emotional Style by the classroom teacher implies the emotional maturity of the personality expressed in emotional skills: awareness of emotional states, emotional balance and discipline, expression of feelings reflected in a style of conduct. The difference between other teaching styles and the emotional one comes from the focus on individual roles. The education of students is directly dependent on teachers, mentors, tutors or coaches, who have a strong influence in their educational journey and a well-defined role in their lives. >> Read the article
Roxana Apostolache - Kindergarten Teachers’ Perception on Preschoolers’ Formative Assessment
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Formative assessment is a primary process within the preschool education system because it contributes to the optimization of the instructional actions carried out by the teacher. Working directly with preschoolers need to lead to a constant observation of their evolution, progress, development. Assessment in early childhood should be performed for the primary aim of supplying teachers with useful information to plan more careful children’s ongoing development and to involve evaluation strategies that develop rather than threaten children’s feelings of self-confidence and positive social attitudes. Kindergarten teachers are important catalyst for developing opportunities to increase preschoolers’ abilities, knowledge and validate/improve their performances through formative measures in terms of assessment. This study is conducted to investigate teachers' perceptions on formative assessment in kindergarten. Through a focus group we planned to gather responses of 12 kindergarten teachers, therefore our approach presents results of this analysis. At the same time, present article emphasizes on importance of using different formative instruments and methods in order to facilitate children progress and knowledge development along the way in the didactic process. >> Read the article
Maria-Cristina Manea, Mușata-Dacia Bocoș - The Influence of Embodied Cognition Activities on Early Language Education Approaches for Small Preschoolers
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract Embodied cognition activities involve active interactions that train the motor system, the perceptual system and physical interactions with the proximal environment. In the language education of young preschoolers, these types of activities train young preschoolers in the process of learning new words, their comprehension and correct pronunciation. The article presents the influence exerted by the „Integrated exploitation of sensory-motor stimuli” educational program with an emphasis on capitalizing on embodied cognition activities, in the early language education approaches of small preschoolers. Early language education through this type of activity proves effective because it encourages children to make connections between words and concepts using tactile, visual and motor experiences. This approach helps to develop strong connections between words and their meanings. The methods used were the observation of the language behavior of the preschooler and the psychopedagogical experiment method, and the applied research tools, the observation grid of the language behavior of the preschooler and the educational program „Integrated exploitation of sensory-motor stimuli”. The study involved 98 small preschoolers, aged between 3 and 4 years, from 3 state preschool education units, from the urban and rural areas of Hunedoara County. The three educational units involved in the research are: „Mircea Sântimbreanu” Secondary School Brad, „Flore de Colț” Extended Program Kindergarten Brad and „Crișcior Extended Program Kindergarten”. >> Read the article
Dafna Armoza-Levi, Alina S. Rusu - Promoting Kindergarten Teachers' Personal and Professional Well-Being Through a Program Based on Positive Psychology
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract This study aims to test the effect of a program intended to promote personal and professional well-being for kindergarten teachers. The program is based on positive psychology and social-emotional learning (SEL) principles. Seventy-seven kindergarten teachers from Israel participated in the study. The research tools used were four questionnaires that had to be filled out at the program's beginning and end. The results indicate that the program was able to promote the personal and professional well-being of kindergarten teachers, lower the level of stress they experience in their work, and increase the degree of job satisfaction. These findings were achieved through practical and applied tools for their daily and professional lives based on the PARMA model of positive psychology and the SEL model. The research findings have an important value in raising awareness of the issue and implementing similar programs as an integral part of the training processes of kindergarten teachers and their professional development processes. >> Read the article
Petrușchevici Iuliana, Pintilie Antonia, Pânișoară Georgeta, Nijloveanu Dorina - Navigating the Maze: Parental Alienation, Self-Esteem and Parenting Styles
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract This study examines the interplay between childhood parental alienation, adult self-esteem, and parenting styles experienced during upbringing. The sample comprises 125 Romanian participants (76% female, 24% male), aged 21 to 59 (M= 33.8, SD= 8.88). Distinct datasets were formed based on the absence of either parent during childhood, enabling separate analyses for mother-child and father-child relationships. Results reveal a statistically significant negative association between childhood parental alienation and adult self-esteem. Moreover, a significant positive correlation is found between experiencing democratic parenting during childhood and current self-esteem. The study also demonstrates that the authoritarian parenting style only moderates the relationship between parental alienation and self-esteem within the father-child relationship, albeit at a low to moderate level of influence. Conversely, this effect is not observed within the mother-child relationship. These findings have been further analyzed in the context of current research on the topic, thus contributing to the comprehension, prevention and management of parental alienation, its impact on adult self-esteem, and the promotion of healthier parent-child relationships >> Read the article
Irina Siminiceanu - Civic Conscience, the True Educational Ideal in John Dewey and Jean Piaget
journal article, published on 2024-05-14, with open access over DOI resource:
Abstract In a world heavily challenged by new historical and technological developments, the civic conscience of the individual must regain a defining importance in the education process. As the culmination of efforts to shape the new generations, it reinstates democratic values in schools, so that we can find them later in society. Here, I will illustrate that two great philosophers of education, John Dewey and Jean Piaget, have already shown that educational systems should primarily aim towards civic conscience, even though neither of them uses the term explicitly. New solutions must be sought to reintegrate society into schools as an educational material, to foster the development of the skills that the citizen of tomorrow will need, a citizen who will not only have the mission to restore balance but also to ensure the progress of society. >> Read the article

Book Review

Naima Sahli - Will schhool (ing) ever change? School culture, distance learning and the COVID-19 pandemic >> Read the review
Radu Simion - Classroom Management - Effective Strategies. Guide for Teachers and Students. Second edition revised and added >> Read the review
Carmen Alexandra Roșu, Daniela Ionescu - Visible Learning: The Sequel >> Read the review
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